Archive for the tag: Removal

Ovarian Cancer Risk-Reduction Surgery & Ovary Removal | Memorial Sloan Kettering

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MSK gynecologic cancer experts describe surgery to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes of women at high risk of developing ovarian cancer.

Learn more about ovarian cancer risk and why a woman would have her ovaries removed here:

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{partial transcript}
Let’s say we have a woman who has a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. The hot topic is: should she have her ovaries taken out? Talk to me about that.

For patients that have a known genetic mutation, their lifetime risk of developing ovarian cancer is increased substantially. General population-based risk for a woman in this country is 1.7 percent – that is the chance that in her lifetime, at some point, she’ll develop ovarian cancer. For BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation carriers, that risk can be as high as 40 to 60 percent lifetime risk. That’s huge.

So really, it goes to understanding your family history. If there are triggers, then meet with a genetic counselor to get the genetic testing because that can be so important for family members who are not infected with the disease in terms of what they can do to help protect themselves.

We’ve already talked about how there’s not a very effective screening tool – the best that we have is CA 125 and the pelvic ultrasound. We do recommend that until the completion of childbearing and at that point, we start to have a discussion about prophylactic or preventative removal of the ovaries because of their extraordinary high risk. That does confer about a 90 to 95 percent risk reduction – so it really goes go a long way to decrease one’s risk.
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Histopathology Ovary–Borderline ovarian tumor
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Is it possible to conceive after Ovarian Cyst removal? – Dr. Suhasini Inamdar

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Is it possible to conceive after Ovarian Cyst removal? - Dr. Suhasini Inamdar

Ladies who have undergone ovarian cystectomy always have a question will i become pregnant, it is very easy for the women to become pregnant after ovarian cyst, because we just remove the cyst and preserve the ovaries. so ovaries are functioning and she as good as any other lady with two ovaries. Yes she should plan pregnancy whenever she wants to if it is a simple cyst and does not have a problem while removing it like there are no adations and it is not a very huge infected cyst. But if a lady has undergone cyst of endometrioma which is endiometriosis of ovary then she should conceive as early as possible. The treatment modalysis to keep endometrioma in control is pregnancy where in she does’nt ovulate then endometrioma does’nt reoccur. The time frame for endometrioma is pregnancy as early as possible. Otherwise the couple can plan and get pregnant. After the removal of cyst it is not at all difficult to become pregnant because the ovary is not removed it is the cyst wall which is removed. The ovaries are still intact and functioning.
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Ovarian cyst removal – Medical Tourism Mexico

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Ovarian cyst removal - Medical Tourism Mexico

This surgery is used to remove a cyst from one or both ovaries. Treatment depends on the age, symptoms, type, and size of the cyst. Most ovarian cysts are not cancerous.

Get more information about the procedure and our top locations on our website:

Note: This information does not reflect the medical advice from our clinics. All cases are different and this treatment may not suit you. Always refer to a medical professional with the certification and experience. All of our physicians are fully qualified to perform these procedures. For more information and diagnosis contact one of our top specialized clinics.

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The dimension of some adnexal masses sometimes exceeds 30 cm, filling the entire abdominal cavity and extending up to the costal margins and xyphoid process. These “giant ovarian cysts” makes laparoscopic approach impossible. Thus, many surgeons proceed with an extended median laparotomy incision to remove these masses intact or perform decompression of the cyst using a needle puncture through a mini-laparotomy but with a risk of rupture and spillage of the cyst content into the abdominal cavity. We describe in this video a simple and reliable method for controlling intraperitoneal spillage with an infraumbilical surgical approach using an isolation bag. Video created by Touhami Omar, MD, Plante Marie, MD, Renaud Marie-Claude, MD, Gregoire Jean, MD (Gynecologic Oncology Division, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Québec, L’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec, Laval University, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada). Used with permission.

Laparoscopic removal of para ovarian cyst

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Laparoscopic removal of para ovarian cyst. This video will talk about:
What is a para ovarian cyst?
How to identify a para ovarian cyst?
Why does para ovarian cyst cause infertility?
Laparoscopic cystectomy
How to remove a cyst without damaging surrounding structures?
How can a large cyst be removed without spilling its contents?

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Laparoscopic Removal of Huge Ovarian Cyst

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Laparoscopic surgery has been increasingly applied to different gynecologic ovaries surgical problems with excellent surgical outcome and rapid recovery. Large ovarian cysts, a relatively common gynecologic problem, pose certain challenges to laparoscopic management. Laparoscopy is a safe technique for managing patients with large ovarian cysts and is associated with low conversion and complication rates. The chance of finding unexpected ovarian cancer varies according to the patients’ selection criteria but is low overall. With proper patient selection, the size of an ovarian cyst should not constitute a contraindication to laparoscopic surgery. Experience in advanced laparoscopic surgery and the availability of a gynecologic oncologist should make the procedure safely applicable to a broader patient population.
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