Archive for the tag: Dogs

Healthy Dog Treats: top 5 low fat treats for dogs

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We want whats best for our dogs and we love giving them treats. There are plenty of healthy dog treats out there so join me as I go through some low fat treats for dogs.

Giving treats is a natural desire for every dog owner but treats can make a massive difference in making our pets overweight, fat and obese. Giving them healthy dog treats can make a massive difference. It can mean that we are still able to give our dogs treats, even when they are on a weight loss diet.

Healthy, low fat treats for dogs can definitely be tasty, after all treats should be things your dog enjoys eating. You can also sometimes give really large amounts of these without needing to worry you are overfeeding you dog, even if they are overweight or fat.

Different dogs like different things and there are many alternatives but to give you some variety, the best treats to feed your dog include:
1- commercial low fat treats: – be careful though, a lot include garlic or have high salt content
2 – fresh vegetables
3 – popcorn
4 – rice crackers
5 – their normal diet

Of course, your pet doesn’t have to be fat to feed them healthy low fat treats. Giving them to your healthy weight dog will help keep them that way and prevent obesity ever being a concern.

Learn exactly how much you can feed your dog:

learn all about obesity + dieting your dog:

download your free copy of my weight and diet calculator that lets you know how much your dog or cat should weigh, how much of their diet you should feed them and how many treats they can be given every day. This is fully customizable to your pets individual diet and whatever healthy, low fat treats (or high fat treats) you want to give them:

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The information provided on the Our Pets Health YouTube channel is not a substitute for the examination, assessment and advice given in person by a suitably qualified veterinary surgeon. The information is provided for educational and entertainment purposes only and does not constitute specific vet advice for any individual cat, dog or other animal of any species.
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In this video, we show how to make some healthy dog treats that are made with easy to find ingredients.

We became frustrated when two of our dogs died from cancer. We truly believe this was caused by the terrible ingredients found in many of the dog foods that are on the market today. We decided to take matters into our own hands and only feed our pets the best food available. Since we were having a hard time finding healthy pet treats, we decided to make those ourselves.

This recipe only requires 3 ingredients since we plan to freeze dry the treats. For people without a freeze dryer, flour can easily be added to create a dough that can be baked in the oven instead of freeze dried.

For the freeze dried version, you only need:
1lb Beef Liver
1 Large Pumpkin
1 cup Beef Broth

Boil the liver until fully cooked. Chop into small pieces. Mix the liver with the can of pumpkin. Add the cup of broth and mix thoroughly. Spoon this mixture into silicone molds. Place the molds into freezer until completely frozen. Pop the treats out of the molds and place onto freeze dryer trays. Freeze dry until completely dry. Store the dried treats in mylar bags along with oxygen absorbers.
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HOMEMADE FOOD for Dogs – Healthy food

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A dog needs a protein rich diet, but this isn’t all they need for a balanced diet. Carbohydrates found in grains like rice give them the energy they need and vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals. Like humans, if your dog is overweight, then feeding them vegetable meals can help them to lose some weight while still maintaining their health. Dogs are omnivores, but this doesn’t mean all vegetables good for humans will be healthy for our dog, so follow our recipe for homemade dog food and don’t improvise if you want a healthy dog.

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I have made a few dog food videos. This time we make it healthy, but, low cost.
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Pet Food Review – The BEST Food For Dogs & Cats…And What To Avoid!

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Finally, here is my long awaited pet food review for dogs and cats! It’s kind of scary that our pets are coming down with the same health issues as us, but that is because there is so much garbage in dog and cat food. Simple and starchy carbs, processed oils, and mystery meat should not be in pet food, the diet should be made of high quality protein, good fats, and some complex carbs. I hit the pet food aisle of the grocery store to show you what to look for and avoid when buying pet food. Hope you enjoyed…and I miss Josh the bichon!

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